GrowerIQ Cannabis Consulting: Quality Manual and Process Flow Support

When applying to become a licensed producer (LP) of cannabis, there are Cannabis SOPs, new equipment, new software systems, and a new facility. All of these things are needed to get your license. However, some LP applicants will not yet have their SOP templates customized by the time they begin their license application. Also, some might not have a cohesive plan of how to bring all of these elements together under one management plan. A quality manual is a great solution to ramp up operations and bring all of the elements of your business together. It is important that this is done properly. This can mean potentially seeking assistance from a quality assurance person.

The quality manual is a document that is critical to having an effective quality assurance program, but it is not a core requirement for cannabis license applications. Therefore, many applicants overlook this crucial document. In quality assurance, there is a “hierarchy of documentation.” In this hierarchy, laws and regulations are at the top.

The quality manual is second because it states which laws and regulations other controlled documents are subject to. It is said to be “Level 1” in the picture below because it is at the top of your in-house documentation hierarchy. GrowerIQ can help you craft a quality manual that gives your business an end-to-end management plan that encompasses all of your equipment and processes in a cohesive and comprehensive quality management system.

quality assurance documentation levels
While Health Canada does not explicitly require a Quality Manual, it is often a requirement of EU-GMP regulations. It is also a great way to ramp up your operations and bring them under one coherent quality management plan.

What is a Quality Manual?

In addition to defining which laws and regulations are applicable to your business, the quality manual also explains how quality management systems implement these requirements. It should contain information on the policies and procedures that support the company’s quality management system. Think of your quality manual as the mother of all cannabis standard operating procedures (SOPs). It is a blueprint for how the facility operates consistently and with the purpose to maintain product quality.

You can view a template of a quality manual on the World Health Organization (WHO) website. This template was designed for a laboratory, but it still has all of the core components of a quality manual. Notice how its primary goal is achieving customer satisfaction through the application of the quality systems, continuous improvement of the systems, and prevention of the occurrence of non-conformities.

GrowerIQ Quality Management System Solutions

GrowerIQ offers full-spectrum quality management system solutions. GrowerIQ can create custom Quality Manuals for your cannabis business and supply SOPs and supporting documentation that ensures your quality management system provides a quality management infrastructure for your facility to operate on. As part of this, GrowerIQ can evaluate your process flows to help identify areas where there are potential risks or suggestions for improvements.

Seed-to-Sale Cannabis Consulting Solutions

The GrowerIQ software is a quality management system tool. It also functions as an ERP, CRM, and cultivation software. But a complete quality system encompasses even more, which is why GrowerIQ cannabis consulting services can help you create a complete quality management system that sets your business up for success and compliance.

Find Out More

GrowerIQ’s experts can help you create a successful international cannabis venture and strive within any legal framework. To learn more, get in touch with our cannabis professionals now by clicking the button or completing the form below.

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About GrowerIQ

GrowerIQ is a complete cannabis production management platform. Ours is the first platform to integrate your facility systems, including sensors, building controls, QMS, and ERP, into a single simplified interface.

GrowerIQ is changing the way producers use software - transforming a regulatory requirement into a robust platform to learn, analyze, and improve performance.

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About GrowerIQ

GrowerIQ is a complete cannabis production management platform. Ours is the first platform to integrate your facility systems, including sensors, building controls, QMS, and ERP, into a single simplified interface.

GrowerIQ is changing the way producers use software - transforming a regulatory requirement into a robust platform to learn, analyze, and improve performance.

To find out more about GrowerIQ and how we can help, fill out the form to the right, start a chat, or contact us.

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