Infarmed Portugal Bylaw Changes 2021

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GrowerIQ is the operational backbone ERP that unites the fragmented systems required by cannabis production facilities around the world. The company now powers facilities in more than a dozen countries, and four languages - enabling true seed-to-sale traceability.

Infarmed Portugal has recently updated its legal framework for cannabis businesses – now is the time to become a licensed cannabis producer. As per Infarmed, the Portuguese government’s authority on Cannabis regulation, companies must now comply with heightened security requirements in the form of police checks and training. Extensive details on the traceability system and IT infrastructure are now also prerequisites for licensing. Thankfully, GrowerIQ has you covered.

Infarmed Portugal Updates

Infarmed now requires applicants to provide a complete description of their IT system and its supplier. This puts a heightened focus on how the system ensures traceability of their stock “from sowing to harvest, and to its destination” – in other words, from seed to sale. For the most part, built-in components of seed-to-sale software such as digitalised record-keeping and compliance maintenance make this a non-issue for growers or distributors. From the start, GrowerIQ has been set on our ability to provide complete transparency and legality.

  • 2. l) Descrição do sistema informático de registo que garanta a rastreabilidade e existências do produto desde a sementeira à colheita e destino do mesmo;

The legislation increases the emphasis on cannabis traceability to enhance security within the Portuguese market. It also aims to do it within your facility. New bylaws now ask cannabis businesses to have a designated security officer with certification from Portugal’s Public Security Police. Additionally, proof of the applicant’s employment contract for this “Head of Security” is now a required component of the licensing application.

  • 1 – No caso de cultivo da planta da canábis para fins medicinais, médico-veterinários ou de investigação científica, devem ainda ser apresentados os seguintes elementos adicionais:
    • a) Identificação completa e endereço do agricultor, agricultores ou sede da pessoa coletiva, na hipótese de não ser o requerente;
    • b) Registos criminais do agricultor ou agricultores, onde conste no fim a que se destina «Mercado Lícito de Estupefacientes/Substâncias Psicotrópicas», na hipótese de não ser o requerente;
    • c) Certificação do responsável de segurança, a emitir pelo Departamento de Segurança Privada da Polícia de Segurança Pública, mediante comprovativo da formação de diretor de segurança e dos demais requisitos estabelecidos no regime jurídico da segurança privada, devendo o registo criminal ser emitido para o fim de «Mercado lícito de estupefacientes/substâncias psicotrópicas»;
    • d) Termo de responsabilidade do responsável da segurança;
    • e) Contrato de trabalho celebrado entre o requerente e o responsável da segurança;
    • f) Planta de localização e localização geográfica por coordenadas do local onde será exercida a atividade de cultivo;

Adapting to these new requirements means applicants need the approval of the Portuguese judicial police, which oversees drug legislation enforcement, among other things. The police will also ask for proof that businesses are not employing any drug abusers, which may include background checks and other measures. A detailed plan of the facility and its security system may also be required to submit.

Find out more

GrowerIQ prides itself on being at the forefront of cannabis regulatory frameworks in marketplaces around the world. Our experts can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Infarmed Portugal. If you’d like to explore what this change means for you, you’re looking into how to get a cannabis license in Portugal, or need documentation for your EU GMP traceability system, contact us today. 

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GrowerIQ is a complete cannabis production management platform. Ours is the first platform to integrate your facility systems, including sensors, building controls, QMS, and ERP, into a single simplified interface.

GrowerIQ is changing the way producers use software - transforming a regulatory requirement into a robust platform to learn, analyze, and improve performance.

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