BetaKit-Profil: GrowerIQ erhält 3 Mio. $ Seed-Runde

Andrew Wilson, Gründer und CEO von GrowerIQ, erklärt, dass der Aufwand für die Einhaltung von Vorschriften beim legalen Cannabisanbau „so umfangreich ist, dass man leicht [for cannabis growers]den Überblick verliert und [or]auf der Strecke bleibt“.

GrowerIQ hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das „operative Rückgrat” für Cannabisproduzenten auf der ganzen Welt zu sein, um ihnen dabei zu helfen, ihr Geschäft zu managen und die oft strengen behördlichen Auflagen zu erfüllen, an die sie sich halten müssen.

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BetaKit Profile: GrowerIQ Raises $3M Seed Round

As GrowerIQ founder and CEO Andrew Wilson puts it, the compliance burden associated with growing cannabis in a legal capacity is “so high that it’s very easy [for cannabis growers] to get out of control [or] to fall behind.”

Enter GrowerIQ, which aims to be “the operational backbone” for cannabis producers around the globe by helping them manage their business and meet the often stringent regulatory requirements they have to abide by.

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GrowerIQ - LEF partnership

GrowerIQ Announces Partnership with Portuguese Lab LEF/Infosaúde

GrowerIQ, a seed-to-sale technology and cannabis management platform provider, is excited to announce a partnership with LEF, Portugal’s leading analysis laboratory and provider of analytical services for the cannabis industry. This alliance will improve the traceability and quality capabilities for both our clients, with seamless integration of seed-to-sale and laboratory analysis results. Cannabis firms with an emphasis on quality production, have always struggled to find great partners to reduce the risk they’re exposed to in their operational systems.

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Infarmed Portugal Bylaw Changes 2021

Infarmed Portugal has recently updated its legal framework for cannabis businesses. As per Infarmed, the Portuguese government’s authority on Cannabis regulation, companies must now comply with heightened security requirements in the form of police checks and training. Extensive details on the traceability system and IT infrastructure are now also prerequisites for licensing. Thankfully, GrowerIQ has you covered.

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