Cannabis and Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety is something that every business needs to consider. When it comes to occupational health and safety for cannabis businesses, the steps that need to be taken are similar to the steps taken in other agricultural industries. Each province will have different local requirements, but there are some general cannabis worker safety steps that should be taken regardless of location.

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El Cultivo y las Regulaciones del Cañamo de Estados Unidos vs el Canadiense

El cáñamo es tratado de manera muy diferente en los Estados Unidos que en Canadá. Si bien Canadá tiene regulaciones federales consistentes para la producción, procesamiento y venta de cáñamo, Estados Unidos tiene 50 regulaciones diferentes en cada estado. Para hacer las cosas aún más complejas, los Canadienses están cultivando en gran medida cáñamo para la comida, mientras que los cultivadores de cáñamo Estadounidenses están tratando principalmente de aprovechar las tendencias del CBD.

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GrowerIQ Podcast with Mike Patterson

Cannabis Globalization (with Mike Patterson)

In this episode of the GrowerIQ Podcast, we are joined by Michael Patterson of MGMC Pharma Group, a cannabis expert with over 27 years years of experience in the business. On Inauguration Day 2021, we talked with Mike about his current ventures and plans in several African countries, as well as the current mood in America regarding legalisation and the future of the cannabis market.

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Seed-to-Sale Software for Hemp

Seed-to-sale software is critical when growing marijuana. However, growing hemp is a bit different than growing cannabis. The regulations are not as stringent unless you are growing hemp for the purpose of making CBD products or smokable hemp. While hemp for food and fiber in Canada is not regulated by the Cannabis Act, CBD and smokable hemp products must meet Cannabis Act standards and comply with its regulations. If you are planning on growing hemp for pharmaceutical use like CBD oil or smokable hemp flower, you may want to consider the benefits of seed-to-sale software.

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