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A Full List of Licensed Cannabis Companies Portugal

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Ameer Asghar
Ameer is an enthusiastic writer who believes in the remarkable potential of the cannabis plant to lead people towards natural health alternatives, steering them towards a path of improved well-being and health.

Get the complete list of licensed cannabis companies in Portugal

Imagine investing time and money into a cannabis business only to discover that the information you relied on was outdated or inaccurate. This scenario could happen to anyone venturing into the cannabis industry, highlighting the importance of understanding the current state of cannabis plantation in Portugal. As the country continues refining its legal framework regulating cannabis cultivation and sales, cannabis plantations in Portugal will become a robust industry with many licensed medicinal cannabis companies emerging. This article explores the current state of cannabis companies in Portugal, providing information to help you achieve your goals, whether you are investing in or starting a cannabis business.

GrowerIQ’s cannabis production software simplifies organizing and tracking vital information about licensed cannabis companies. This tool lets you stay informed about Portugal’s evolving cannabis industry and align it with your business objectives.

Is Cannabis Allowed in Portugal? What the Current Laws Say

is cannabis allowed - Cannabis Companies Portugal

In Portugal, cannabis is legal for medicinal use, and personal use has been decriminalized since 2001. While a doctor must prescribe medical cannabis, patients can grow their own or purchase it from licensed cannabis companies. 

Growing Cannabis in Portugal

Producing, importing, and selling cannabis for medicinal purposes is permitted in Portugal. Portugal’s favorable climate and strategic location make it an ideal environment for cannabis cultivation and export. The country’s outdoor growing conditions allow for cannabis to be produced at a lower cost compared to other European countries, making it a competitive player in the global cannabis market. 

The Legal Framework for Cannabis Use in Portugal

Cannabis use in Portugal is decriminalized but must be prescribed by a doctor. The country is known for having some of the most progressive cannabis laws globally. In 2001, Portugal decriminalized personal cannabis use, shifting the focus from punishment to treatment, which led to a decrease in the number of drug users. 

Medicinal cannabis was later legalized in 2018, further expanding the legal framework surrounding cannabis use in the country. João Goulão, Portugal’s national drugs coordinator, played a significant role in pushing these legal changes.

The Role of Infarmed I.P. in Regulating Cannabis in Portugal

All cannabis-related activities in Portugal require licensing from Infarmed I.P., the agency under the Portuguese Health Ministry responsible for regulating medicines and health products. Infarmed I.P. ensures that all cannabis cultivation and production adhere to stringent public health standards.

Medicinal Cannabis vs Recreational Cannabis in Portugal

Portugal legalized medicinal cannabis use in 2018. Patients with specific medical conditions can access cannabis-based products with a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional under this legal framework. 

The medicinal cannabis market is regulated; products must meet strict quality standards set by Infarmed, the Portuguese National Authority of Medicines and Health Products. Medicinal cannabis is available through pharmacies only, and its use is restricted to treating certain conditions such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Some forms of epilepsy
  • Among others 

Recreational Cannabis in Portugal: What You Should Know

In contrast, recreational cannabis use remains illegal in Portugal. However, the country has taken a progressive approach by decriminalizing the possession and use of small amounts of cannabis for personal use as part of its broader drug decriminalization policy, implemented in 2001. 

This means that while recreational cannabis use is not legal, individuals caught with small quantities (up to 25 grams of cannabis or 5 grams of hashish) for personal use are not subject to criminal prosecution but instead may face administrative penalties, such as:

  • Fines
  • Be referred to a treatment program

The Future of Cannabis Legalization in Portugal

As of June 2020, efforts have been made to advance legislation to legalize cannabis for non-medical use. However, progress has been slow. Portugal has seen proposals from different political parties with varying approaches to state control and regulation, but a consensus has yet to be reached. The legislative process stalled in December 2021 when proposals expired at the end of the parliamentary session, putting Portugal behind other European countries in legalizing adult-use cannabis.

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How To Get a License To Grow Cannabis in Portugal

How to get a license - Cannabis Companies Portugal

The cannabis licensing process in Portugal may seem overwhelming, but breaking it down into smaller parts makes it more manageable. Infarmed I.P. is the primary national authority in Portugal responsible for establishing conditions and granting authorizations for a wide range of cannabis-related activities. 

These activities include:

  • Cultivation
  • Production
  • Manufacturing
  • Employment
  • Trade
  • Distribution
  • Import
  • Export
  • Transit
  • Transport
  • Possession

The scope of Infarmed I.P.’s authority covers plants, substances, and preparations listed in Tables I to IV of Decree-Law No. 15/93, within the limits defined by the country’s needs, prioritizing medical, veterinary, scientific, and educational interests as outlined in the same decree and Regulatory Decree No. 61/94. 

The Licensing Process According to Ordinance 83/2021

Ordinance 83/2021, issued on April 15, 2021, was introduced to clarify various steps in the licensing process for cannabis-related activities. It also specified the security requirements that must be met, including the necessity for a police inspection to ensure compliance. This ordinance helps streamline the licensing process, making it more transparent for applicants to understand the requirements. 

How To Apply for a Cannabis License in Portugal

Applications for authorizations related to cannabis-based medicines and substances must be submitted electronically for the following activities:

  • Cultivation
  • Manufacturing
  • Wholesale trade
  • Import
  • Export
  • Transport
  • Circulation

The “Pedidos de licenciamento” page provides access to the necessary forms and drafts for these licensing requests. Applicants can use the “Portal Licenciamento” to:

  • Submit and monitor their applications
  • Make payments
  • Respond to requests for additional information
  • Receive decisions, authorizations, permits, or certificates

This portal is essential for entities involved in the wholesale distribution of:

  • Drugs
  • Medical devices
  • Active substances
  • Those in the manufacturing and drug intermediation activities 

Compliance Is Key for Cannabis Licenses in Portugal  

All licenses granted by Infarmed I.P. require strict adherence to the following:

  • Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
  • Good Distribution Practices (GDP)

An authorization and a certificate of Good Practices from a community model are publicly available on the European EudraGMDP database for manufacturing and wholesale activities. This ensures that licensed activities meet the high standards required for quality and safety.  

Importing and Exporting Cannabis in Portugal

Each cannabis import, export, and transit operation requires an official import, export, or transit certificate. Applicants must submit the appropriate application and fee payment guide for these operations. This process ensures that all international movements of cannabis products are appropriately documented and regulated.  

Ongoing Evaluations Are Part of the Process

Applicants must submit an annual application for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for medicinal products with well-recognized clinical benefits in September. This requirement ensures that such products are available for medical use under regulated conditions. 

Types of Cannabis Licenses in Portugal  

A pre-license/provisional license system is in place. Licenses may be obtained for the following activities:

  • Cultivation – €3,000
  • Manufacture – €3,000
  • Wholesale trade – €1,000
  • Import – €1,200
  • Export – €1,200
  • Transit – €1,000

The license holder is not authorized to use these medicines or substances themselves. 

Streamline Cannabis Cultivation with GrowerIQ’s Comprehensive Software

Quality Management System | Cannabis Enterprise Resource Planning

Cannabis growers face numerous challenges in managing reporting, documentation, and compliance requirements due to:

  • Complex regulatory frameworks
  • Evolving legal standards
  • The need for accurate record-keeping in a highly regulated industry

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  • Simplifies cultivation operations

Our software includes key functionalities such as:

  • Seed-to-Sale Tracking
  • Quality Management
  • Cultivation Planning

Take control of your cannabis cultivation with GrowerIQ’s cannabis production software. Streamline your operations, ensure compliance, and optimize your production process today!

Related Reading

How Many Cannabis Licenses Are There in Portugal?

How many cannabis licenses are there - Cannabis Companies Portugal

Portugal has emerged as a leading global producer of medicinal cannabis, with 42 licensed companies actively engaged in cannabis-related activities as of 2023, an increase from 34 in 2022. This 23.5% growth reflects the increasing momentum in the country’s medicinal cannabis sector. However, as 150 other companies currently navigate the licensing process, the number of entities involved could rise significantly. 

Infarmed, the National Authority for Medicines and Health Products, plays a crucial role in issuing these licenses. In 2023, Infarmed granted 76 new authorizations for various activities, including:

  • Cultivation
  • Manufacturing
  • Import
  • Export
  • Distribution of cannabis

There are 265 pending requests in the post-decision or suitability for inspection phases, covering different areas such as:

  • 98 requests for cultivation inspections
  • 38 requests for manufacturing
  • 115 requests for import/export
  • 14 requests for wholesale distribution

Here’s a breakdown of the existing licenses:

  • 24 companies hold cultivation licenses
  • 15 companies are licensed for manufacturing and preparation
  • 12 companies have wholesale trade licenses
  • 32 companies are authorized for import and export

17 companies have earned EU-GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certification, indicating compliance with high standards in the production of medicinal cannabis. While Portugal has exported over 5.4 tons of cannabis by August 2023, primarily to markets like Germany, Poland, and Australia, domestic prescriptions remain low. 

Portugal’s Growing Medicinal Cannabis Market

Only 524 packages of the available Tilray Flor Seca with 18% THC have been prescribed in Portugal; the growth in licenses and exports positions Portugal as a significant player in the global medicinal cannabis industry. The ongoing licensing process suggests even more companies could enter the market shortly, contributing to the sector’s continued expansion.

List of Licensed Cannabis Companies in Portugal

Licensed Companies - Cannabis Companies Portugal

A slew of cannabis companies have received licenses to cultivate cannabis from INFARMED, the Portuguese authority responsible for regulating cannabis for medical use. These companies have the infrastructure, expertise, and resources to produce high-quality cannabis for scientific and medical research and pharmaceutical use. 

The list below details the companies licensed to cultivate cannabis in Portugal:

  • Key Leaves Ltd.
  • Qanali Ltd.
  • MHI Cultivo Medicinal SA (Medicane)
  • SMC Therapeutic Health Center Production, Ltd.
  • RPK Biopharma, Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Terra Verde, Ltd.
  • Tilray Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Sabores Púrpura, Lda.
  • Sun Light Greens SA
  • Grovida Ltd.
  • Pure Healing Ltd.
  • Canna Forest, Ltd.
  • Agrivabe Produção Agrícola Lda.
  • Cannexpor Pharma Lda.
  • Cannprisma Pharma, Lda.
  • Weez Garden, Unipessoal Lda.
  • Sociedade Agrícola Monte das Barrocas, Lda.
  • Symtomax Unipessoal Lda.
  • Agrovete, SA
  • Galaxiavertical – Unipessoal Lda.
  • Belvedere Pharma SA
  • GBE Pharma Unipessoal Lda.
  • Canneurox Portugal Unipessoal SA (Avextra)
  • Schroll Flavors Produção e Comercialização de Produtos Agrícolas Unipessoal Lda.

Cannabis Companies in Portugal: A Look at Licensed Manufacturers

Cannabis companies licensed to manufacture preparations and substances based on the cannabis plant are essential to creating products that will eventually reach patients in need. The cannabis plant contains a wide variety of compounds that can be harnessed for medicinal purposes, most notably cannabinoids like THC and CBD. These compounds can be extracted in their raw form or processed and refined to create specific formulations that target individual ailments. 

The list below details the companies licensed to manufacture cannabis products in Portugal.

  • Infosaúde – Institute for Training and Innovation in Health, SA
  • Somaí Pharmaceutical, Unipessoal Lda.
  • Portocanna, SA
  • QPLab Pharma Services, Lda.
  • RPK Biopharma, Unipessoal Lda.
  • Agrivabe Produção Agrícola Lda.
  • Labialfarma Laboratory of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals, SA
  • Iberfar Indústria Farmacêutica, SA
  • Cannprisma Pharma, Lda.
  • MHI Cultivo Medicinal, SA (Medicane)
  • Sociedade Agrícola Monte das Barrocas, Lda.
  • Bluestabil – Stability Studies Services, Lda
  • Blossom Genetics Unipessoal Lda.
  • ISQ – Institute of Welding and Quality
  • Technophage, Research and Development in Biotechnology SA
  • Tilray Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda.

Cannabis Companies in Portugal: A Look at Licensed Wholesalers

Licensed wholesalers are a crucial part of the cannabis supply chain, ensuring that products reach their final destinations quickly and safely. A variety of cannabis companies in Portugal have received licenses to engage in the wholesale trade of cannabis products. 

The list below details the companies licensed to wholesale cannabis products in Portugal.

  • Canna Forest Lda.
  • Smart Nature, Ltd.
  • Sabores Púrpura, Lda.
  • Alliance Healthcare SA
  • Logistics, Transport, Forwarding and Pharma, Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Jazz Pharmaceuticals France – Branch in Portugal
  • Ferraz Lynce Especialidades Farmacêuticas, SA
  • Plural – Pharmaceutical Cooperative, CRL
  • Alloga Logifarma, SA
  • Noidecs, Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Galaxiavertical, SA 

Cannabis Companies in Portugal: A Look at Licensed Importers

Cannabis companies in Portugal that are licensed to import cannabis products play an important role in helping the industry establish itself by sourcing products and knowledge from more established markets. 

The list below details the companies licensed to import cannabis products in Portugal.

  • Key Leaves, Ltd.
  • MHI Cultivo Medicinal, SA (Medicane)
  • Smart Nature, Ltd.
  • Qanali Ltd.
  • Portocanna, SA
  • SMC Therapeutic Health Center Production, Lda.
  • Blossom Genetics Unipessoal Lda.
  • Sabores Púrpura, Lda.
  • RPK Biopharma, Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Terra Verde, Ltd.
  • Tilray Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Grovida, Ltd.
  • Canna Forest, Ltd.
  • Pure Healing Ltd.
  • Ferraz Lynce Especialidades Farmacêuticas, SA
  • Cannprisma – Pharma, Lda.
  • Weez Garden, Unipessoal Lda.
  • Sociedade Agrícola Monte das Barrocas, Lda.
  • Cannexpor Pharma, Lda.
  • Agrivabe Medical Cannabis
  • Symtomax Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Agrovete, SA
  • Iberfar Indústria Farmacêutica, SA
  • Noidecs, Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Galaxiavertical – Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Canneurox Portugal Unipessoal SA (Avextra)
  • Somaí Pharmaceutical, Unipessoal Lda.
  • Sun Light Greens SA
  • Belvedere Pharma SA
  • GBE Pharma Unipessoal Lda.
  • Schroll Flavors Produção e Comercialização de Produtos Agrícolas Unipessoal Lda.
  • Jazz Pharmaceuticals France – Branch in Portugal

Cannabis Companies in Portugal: A Look at EU-GMP Certified Companies

Cannabis companies that hold EU-GMP certification meet the strictest quality and safety standards in the European Union. Companies with this certification can produce and export cannabis products to all 27 countries in the EU, allowing them to access lucrative international markets. 

The list below details the cannabis companies in Portugal that have achieved EU-GMP certification.

  • Infosaúde – Institute for Training and Innovation in Health SA
  • Tilray Portugal, Unipessoal, Lda.
  • Portocanna SA
  • QPLab Pharma Services Lda.
  • RPK Biopharma Unipessoal Lda.
  • Agrivabe Medical Cannabis
  • Labialfarma Laboratory of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals SA
  • Iberfar Indústria Farmacêutica SA
  • Blossom Genetics Unipessoal Lda.
  • MHI Cultivo Medicinal SA (Medicane)
  • Alloga Logifarma, SA
  • Bluestabil – Stability Studies Services, Lda
  • Sociedade Agrícola Monte das Barrocas, Lda.
  • Somaí Pharmaceutical, Unipessoal Lda.
  • Cannprisma – Pharma, Lda.
  • ISQ – Institute of Welding and Quality
  • Technophage, Research and Development in Biotechnology SA

Companies that are No Longer Included in Infarmed’s Lists

companies not included - Cannabis Companies Portugal

In 2022, VF1883, an American company Verano Holdings subsidiary, was the first to disappear from Infarmed’s list of licensed cannabis companies in Portugal. The disappearance was shocking, as it occurred shortly after the company had completed its first shipment of cannabis from Portugal to the United States. 

The sudden cessation of activities raised many questions about the company’s future in Portugal and the reason behind its disappearance from the official lists. 

Clever Leaves: The Latest Company to Lose Its License in Portugal

Clever Leaves was the most prominent cannabis company operating in Portugal before it abandoned operations there. Officially incorporated in Portugal in 2020, Clever Leaves received its license from Infarmed in May 2021 and quickly became a leader in the Portuguese cannabis market. 

Tilray’s Exit from the Portuguese Cannabis Market

In January 2023, the company announced it was abandoning its operations in Portugal as part of a corporate restructuring plan and would no longer produce cannabis there. A month later, Infarmed confirmed the company had lost all licenses to operate in Portugal. The company’s sudden exit raised questions about the health of the cannabis market in Portugal and the future of the few remaining operators.

Other Cannabis Companies That Lost Their Licenses in Portugal

In addition to VF1883 and Clever Leaves, a few other cannabis companies have recently lost their licenses to operate in Portugal:

  • Empifarma Produtos Farmacêuticos
  • Medlog Logística Farmacêutica
  • Cooprofar Cooperativa dos Proprietários de Farmácia

All three companies are no longer listed as licensed operators by Infarmed. They were licensed for wholesale trade.

Who is the Biggest Supplier of Cannabis in Europe?

Biggest Supplier - Cannabis Companies Portugal

Morocco: The European Cannabis King

Morocco is the largest supplier of cannabis resin to the European market. For many years, North Africa has dominated resin production and exports. However, recent reports show a decline in cannabis resin production. 

An estimated 760 tonnes of resin were produced in 2017. By 2019, this number had dropped to 596 tonnes.

Spain: The EU’s Cannabis Production Powerhouse

Spain has emerged as one of the largest cannabis production zones in the EU. In 2021, Spain accounted for 75% of the total cannabis plants seized in the EU, with over 3.2 million seized plants. Criminal networks in Spain have long been involved in cannabis resin trafficking from Morocco, using well-developed trafficking logistics.

Turkey: The EU’s New Cannabis Giant

Turkey’s cannabis plant seizure numbers dwarf those of the EU. In 2021, Turkey reported confiscating almost 76 million cannabis plants, nearly 18 times the EU total.

Other EU Countries: The Expanding Cannabis Cultivation Network

Large-scale cannabis cultivation also takes place in many other EU countries, such as:

  • Germany
  • Portugal
  • Greece

Greece recently inaugurated its first medical cannabis production facility, the largest in Europe, with plans for two more facilities by investors from Europe and North America. Portugal is home to Akanda Corp’s EU GMP-certified cannabis cultivation facilities, which can produce over 100 tonnes of outdoor cannabis and 2 tonnes of indoor premium cannabis annually.

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Uncomplicate Your Cannabis Production Today With GrowerIQ!

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Growing cannabis in Portugal presents a unique set of challenges. Cannabis companies must navigate complex regulations that can change frequently to remain compliant. 

GrowerIQ is a software solution that helps cultivators manage the many moving parts of cannabis production, focusing on compliance and reporting.

Streamline Cannabis Cultivation

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GrowerIQ is a complete cannabis production management platform. Ours is the first platform to integrate your facility systems, including sensors, building controls, QMS, and ERP, into a single simplified interface.

GrowerIQ is changing the way producers use software - transforming a regulatory requirement into a robust platform to learn, analyze, and improve performance.

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