HighIQ Webinar Series: Growing Hacks from Cannabis Design Gurus

HighIQ Webinar Series: Sostanza Global- Growing Hacks from Cannabis Design Gurus

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GrowerIQ is the operational backbone ERP that unites the fragmented systems required by cannabis production facilities around the world. The company now powers facilities in more than a dozen countries, and four languages - enabling true seed-to-sale traceability.

Growing Hacks from Cannabis Design Gurus

Looking to enter the global cannabis market? Or perhaps you’re an existing cannabis company looking to improve operational efficiency…

Regardless, you’ll want to join us for our next webinar, Sostanza Global - Growing Hacks from Cannabis Design Gurus.

Active in 15+ countries, Sostanza Global shares some dos and don'ts for cannabis companies around the world, with a focus on what’s going on in the United States. Our expert guest and partner, Deron Caplan, will dive into key insights on the U.S. market, including:

  • Trends in regulated markets
  • Facility design & operational efficiencies
  • How Sostanza's support drives cost savings

& we’ll briefly show you how GrowerIQ can fit right into your new efficiency plan!

The event will take place on Thursday, January 30, 2025, at 2:00 pm EST

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