cannabis for export - Industrial Hemp in Argentina

Cultivation Laws on Industrial Hemp in Argentina

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Ameer Asghar
Ameer is an enthusiastic writer who believes in the remarkable potential of the cannabis plant to lead people towards natural health alternatives, steering them towards a path of improved well-being and health.

Explore cultivation laws and market potential in Argentina to successfully start your hemp journey in Argentina

Industrial hemp in Argentina is a growing sector that offers exciting opportunities for enthusiasts and entrepreneurs alike. Understanding the cultivation of industrial hemp laws in Argentina is vital when navigating the complexities of how to open an argentine cannabis club. This article highlights the regulations and opportunities in the cannabis realm, offering valuable insights necessary for a successful venture.

For those looking to get involved in Argentina’s vibrant industrial hemp industry, GrowerIQ’s cannabis production software can be vital in achieving their goals, such as learning about the country’s industrial hemp cultivation laws.

Industrial Hemp Laws In Argentina

Cannabis Farm - Industrial Hemp in Argentina

Argentina passed a law legalizing hemp in 2022, marking a significant milestone for the country. This development positions Argentina as a potential powerhouse in Latin America for hemp production. 

Hemp as Replacement

The cannabis framework in Argentina allows hemp to transition into the mainstream of agriculture, offering a promising replacement for declining tobacco sectors. 

Government’s Vision

The government’s vision for hemp extends beyond mere cultivation. It aims to drive innovation in technology and product development, setting the stage for exponential growth in the industry.

Regulatory Body

In response to the legalization of hemp, the government established the Regulatory Agency for the Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis Industry (ARICCAME) as the central body overseeing the cannabis industry. 

ARICCAME’s Mandate

ARICCAME’s mandate includes:

  • Promoting research and technological advancements
  • Ensuring consumer safety
  • Fostering collaboration with state agencies and universities

CBD Restrictions

It’s crucial to note that while the laws allow for various uses of hemp, the processing of CBD itself is restricted.

Medical CBD Only

This limitation stems from a 2020 decree that permits the importation of CBD—and THC-based products strictly for medical patients. These products can only be sold through pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription.

Whole Plant Focus

Argentina’s approach to hemp is comprehensive, focusing on a whole-plant strategy that emphasizes the crop’s:

  • Health
  • Environmental
  • Economic benefits

Diverse Hemp Uses

The legislation permits various uses for hemp, such as human and veterinary medicines, nutritional products, cosmetics, and industrial applications. It leaves room for future applications emerging from continuous research and technological advancements.

Related Reading

Regulatory Agency Of Industrial Hemp In Argentina

Regulatory Agency - Industrial Hemp in Argentina

In January 2023, Argentina established the Regulatory Agency for the Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis Industry (ARICCAME) to oversee and develop its cannabis sector. 

New Cannabis Rules

The agency introduced new regulations in August 2023, setting a THC limit of 1% for hemp and permitting cannabis for:

  • Medical
  • Veterinary
  • Nutritional
  • Cosmetic
  • Research uses 

Agency Goals

ARICCAME aims to boost regional economies, enhance exports, and advance research while ensuring the following:

  • Consumer safety
  • Promoting scientific collaboration

Advisory Board

A diverse 20-person advisory board has been appointed to guide the agency’s work and support small and medium-sized producers.


ARICCAME regulates all aspects of the cannabis industry, including import, export, cultivation, industrial production, manufacturing, commercialization, and acquisition of cannabis, its seeds, and derivatives.


The agency works alongside other public bodies to monitor the storage, transportation, and distribution of cannabis seeds and plants.


It establishes regulatory standards for best practices in planting and cultivation, ensuring alignment with relevant international cannabis industry regulations.


ARICCAME inspects facilities to confirm they are authorized and adhere to regulatory standards.

Uncomplicate Your Hemp Production

Cannabis growers face challenges in managing reporting, documentation, and compliance requirements due to the complexity of regulatory frameworks, evolving legal standards, and the need for accurate record-keeping in a highly regulated industry. 

Comprehensive Solution

At GrowerIQ, our software aims to provide cannabis growers with a comprehensive solution for managing their cultivation operations, ensuring compliance, optimizing quality, and enhancing efficiency throughout the:

  • Seed-to-sale process
  • Overall uncomplicating, the production process 

Software Features

We do this with our software, which offers a range of functionalities to assist cannabis growers, including:

  • Seed-to-Sale Tracking
  • Quality Management
  • Cultivation Planning.

Can You Grow Industrial Hemp In Argentina? Industrial Hemp Cultivation Laws

Grow Industrial Hemp - Industrial Hemp in Argentina

Argentina has developed a regulatory framework to support the cultivation of industrial hemp since the legalization of medical cannabis and hemp in 2022. 

ARICCAME Established

The country established the Regulatory Agency for the Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis Industry (ARICCAME) in January 2023 to oversee and promote the sector. 

Industry Potential

The main goal is to leverage Argentina’s agricultural expertise, available land, and favorable conditions to develop a robust and sustainable hemp industry.

Hemp Cultivation

The regulations allow the cultivation of industrial hemp for various purposes, such as research and product development. 

THC Definition

A critical aspect of the regulation is the definition of psychoactive cannabis as plants with dried flowers containing more than 1% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in their chemical composition.

Product Legality

This threshold allows legal manufacturing of products based on the substance up to this percentage without violating criminal legislation or international regulations. 

Regulatory Clarity

Additionally, such products do not require the National Agency of Medicines (ANMAT) approval and fall under a new category known as vegetable for non-medical-grade products.

Industry Outlook

This regulatory framework provides clarity and guidance for individuals and businesses interested in cultivating industrial hemp in Argentina.

Bright Future

The country’s emphasis on agricultural excellence and strategic regulatory measures promises a bright future for the hemp industry in Argentina.

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Getting A Licence For Industrial Hemp Cultivation In Argentina

Getting License - Industrial Hemp in Argentina

To obtain an industrial hemp cultivation license in Argentina, you’ll need to navigate a few key steps and understand the relevant regulatory framework. Here’s a guide to help you through the process:

Understand the Regulatory Framework

Since 2022, the ARICCAME (Agencia Regulatoria de la Industria del Cáñamo y del Cannabis Medicinal) has been the primary body responsible for setting the conditions for cannabis licensing in Argentina.

Determine Your Provincial Regulations

Cannabis cultivation regulations can vary between provinces. While there is a general national framework, specific rules and processes are set at the provincial level. 

Research the province regulations where you plan to operate, as each province may have its requirements and licensing procedures.

Engage with Relevant Agencies

Several federal and provincial agencies oversee different aspects of cannabis cultivation. Familiarize yourself with the following agencies:

  • ARICCAME: Manages overall cannabis industry regulations.
  • Ministry of Health: Oversees medical cannabis regulations.
  • ANMAT: Regulates food, drugs, and cosmetics, including cannabis-derived products.
  • Argentine Seed Institute (INASE): Responsible for seed regulations.
  • National Food Safety and Quality Service (SENASA): Ensures food safety and quality.
  • National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA): Provides agricultural support.
  • National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET): Engages in research related to cannabis.
  • National Agency of Public Laboratories (ANLAP): Involved in public health laboratory oversight.
  • Ministry of Security: Ensures compliance with security regulations.
  • Provincial Authorities: Handle local licensing and regulations.

Prepare Your Application

Gather all necessary documents and information required for your application. This might include proof of compliance with national and provincial regulations, evidence of your company’s national capital and diversity metrics, and any other specific requirements set by ARICCAME or provincial authorities.

Stay Updated

The regulatory environment for cannabis is evolving. Keep abreast of any changes in legislation or new guidelines from ARICCAME and other relevant agencies.

Industry Alignment

Establish connections with industry experts and local regulators to ensure you’re aligned with current standards and practices. 


Regarding cultivation, record-keeping, and quality management, GrowerIQ’s seed-to-sale and quality management software can help you with all your cannabis-related operations, including staying compliant. 

Centralized Tracking

GroweIQus software allows you to track all your operations in one place, making it easy to record and report on them.

Argentina’s Industrial Hemp Export Initiatives

Export - Industrial Hemp in Argentina

Since the passage of 2022 legislation outlining a framework for the industrial hemp and medical marijuana industries, Argentina has been busy initiating cannabis research and development initiatives.

Cannabis Cultivation

In the provinces of Jujuy, La Rioja, Misiones, San Juan, and Santa Fe, diverse projects are underway cultivating pharmaceutical-grade cannabis for medical purposes or experimenting with different cannabis genetics.

Regulatory Oversight

The projects are overseen and authorized by Argentina’s cannabis watchdog and regulatory agency, ARICCAME.

Market Development

Argentina wants to build its domestic medical cannabis market and generate foreign currency through exports. 

Medical Access

It allows cannabis-derived products in pharmacies and has ordered insurers to cover prescriptions for marijuana-based medications, but recreational use is still forbidden.

Industry Projections

According to a Ministry of Productive Development report, the country’s export industry hopes to generate 10,000 direct jobs, $500 million in domestic sales, and $50 million in exports by 2025.

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Uncomplicate Your Cannabis Production Today With GrowerIQ!

As an expert in opening an Argentine Cannabis Club, one crucial aspect you need to consider is managing:

  • Reporting
  • Documentation
  • Compliance requirements 

Cannabis growers face significant challenges due to the complexity of regulatory frameworks, evolving legal standards, and the need for accurate record-keeping in a highly regulated industry. 

GrowerIQ, a software provider, offers a solution that can assist you in managing these tasks effectively. 

GrowerIQ: A Comprehensive Solution

At GrowerIQ, our software aims to provide cannabis growers with a comprehensive solution for managing their cultivation operations. 

Core Focus

We focus on:

  • Ensuring compliance
  • Optimizing quality
  • Enhancing efficiency throughout the seed-to-sale process
  • Simplifying the production process overall

Software Features

Our software offers a range of functionalities to assist cannabis growers, including:

  • Seed-to-sale tracking
  • Quality management
  • Cultivation planning 

Comprehensive Solution

GrowerIQ provides cannabis growers with a comprehensive solution for:

  • Managing their cultivation operations
  • Ensuring compliance
  • Optimizing quality
  • Enhancing efficiency throughout the seed-to-sale process 

Operational Benefits

By leveraging the functionalities offered by GrowerIQ, you can streamline your operations, enhance compliance, and optimize your overall production process, making it easier to navigate the complexities of industrial hemp in Argentina. 

Grower Support

Whether you are looking to embark on a new venture in the cannabis industry or optimize your existing operations, GrowerIQ can be a vital tool to support your goals.

Streamline Cannabis Cultivation

About GrowerIQ

GrowerIQ is a complete cannabis production management platform. Ours is the first platform to integrate your facility systems, including sensors, building controls, QMS, and ERP, into a single simplified interface.

GrowerIQ is changing the way producers use software - transforming a regulatory requirement into a robust platform to learn, analyze, and improve performance.

To find out more about GrowerIQ and how we can help, fill out the form to the right, start a chat, or contact us.

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