Cannabis Storage: How to Do It & 4 Storage Methods for All Budgets

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Ameer Asghar
Ameer is an enthusiastic writer who believes in the remarkable potential of the cannabis plant to lead people towards natural health alternatives, steering them towards a path of improved well-being and health.

Learn About The Best Way to Store Cannabis & Helpful Tips to Extend Your Cannabis Shelf Life

Proper storage techniques are not only essential for preserving the potency and freshness of the plant, but they also play a pivotal role in ensuring the best cannabis quality assurance practices are upheld throughout the entire production chain.

When it comes to cannabis, storage is more than just a place to stash your stash. It’s a science in its own right, requiring meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the plant’s unique characteristics. From temperature and humidity control to packaging and transportation, every step in the storage process must be carefully calibrated to maintain the integrity of the plant and maximize its therapeutic potential.

In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating connection between cannabis seed-to-sale quality management and the often-overlooked realm of cannabis storage. We’ll delve into the best practices for preserving the precious cannabinoids and terpenes that make cannabis so special, and uncover the secrets to unlocking the full potential of this remarkable plant.

What is the Best Storage Method for Cannabis?

When it comes to storing cannabis, there is one method that is widely regarded as the best – airtight containers. These containers provide a safe and efficient way to preserve the quality and potency of cannabis, keeping it fresh for an extended period of time. Let’s take a closer look at why airtight containers are the go-to choice for cannabis storage and the steps you should take to properly store your cannabis using this method.

Why Choose Airtight Containers?

The secret to successful cannabis storage lies in controlling three crucial factors: light, temperature, and humidity. Airtight containers excel in all three aspects, making them the perfect choice for preserving the integrity of cannabis.

1. Light Protection: Exposure to light can degrade the cannabinoids and terpenes in cannabis, leading to a loss of potency. Airtight containers, such as glass jars or vacuum-sealed bags, block out harmful UV rays, ensuring that your cannabis remains potent and flavorful.

2. Temperature Control: Heat is the enemy of cannabis. High temperatures can cause cannabinoids to degrade rapidly, resulting in a loss of potency. Airtight containers, especially those made of glass, provide excellent insulation, protecting your cannabis from extreme temperature fluctuations.

3. Humidity Regulation: Moisture is a double-edged sword when it comes to cannabis storage. Too much moisture can promote the growth of mold and mildew, while too little can cause cannabis to become dry and brittle. Airtight containers with built-in humidity packs or moisture control devices help maintain the ideal humidity level, ensuring that your cannabis stays fresh and aromatic.

Numerous studies and anecdotal evidence support the use of airtight containers for cannabis storage. A study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology found that airtight containers significantly reduced the loss of cannabinoids and preserved the overall quality of cannabis compared to other storage methods.

Seasoned cannabis enthusiasts and industry experts alike emphasize the importance of airtight containers for maintaining the potency and freshness of cannabis. Their personal experiences and testimonials serve as a testament to the effectiveness of this storage method.

Proper Steps for Cannabis Storage

Now that we understand why airtight containers are the best choice for cannabis storage, let’s go through the steps you should follow to ensure optimal results:

1. Choose the Right Container

Opt for glass jars or vacuum-sealed bags specifically designed for cannabis storage. These containers provide an airtight seal, protecting your cannabis from external elements.

2. Prepare the Cannabis

Before storing, make sure your cannabis is properly cured and dried. Remove any excess moisture or stems, as they can affect the overall quality of the stored product.

3. Seal the Container

Place your cannabis inside the airtight container, being careful not to overpack. Seal the container tightly to prevent any air or light from entering.

cannabis storage

4. Store in a Cool, Dark Place

Find a cool and dark location to store your cannabis, such as a pantry or a closet. Avoid storing it near sources of heat, light, or humidity, as they can degrade its quality.

5. Regularly Monitor

Check your stored cannabis periodically for any signs of mold, mildew, or degradation. Open the container briefly to assess its aroma and freshness, then reseal it tightly.

Should You Vacuum Seal Cannabis for Storage?

Cannabis producers and retailers are always looking for ways to ensure the highest quality and freshness of their products. One method that has gained popularity in recent years is vacuum-sealing cannabis for storage. This technique can help protect the integrity of the product by preserving its potency, flavor, and aroma.

Vacuum sealing involves removing all the air from the packaging before sealing it, creating an airtight environment. This helps to prevent the degradation of cannabis due to exposure to oxygen, which can lead to the loss of cannabinoids and terpenes. By vacuum sealing, producers and retailers can maintain the potency and quality of their cannabis for longer periods.

To vacuum seal cannabis, producers and retailers can use specialized vacuum sealing machines. These machines come in various sizes and price ranges, making them accessible to businesses of all scales. The process is relatively simple and involves placing the cannabis in a vacuum-sealed bag or container, then using the machine to remove the air and seal it shut.

cannabis storage - vacuum seal

By vacuum sealing their cannabis, producers and retailers can extend the shelf life of their products and maintain their quality and freshness. This technique is especially beneficial for businesses operating in areas with high humidity, as it helps prevent moisture from deteriorating the cannabis. Additionally, vacuum-sealed packaging can also be more discreet and odour-proof, making it ideal for customers who value privacy.

What Factors Affect How Long Cannabis Can Stay Fresh?

Proper storage is essential to preserving the quality and potency of your precious buds, but you can extend the lifecycle of your cannabis by keeping in mind some factors that affect the cannabis shelf life. Let’s explore a few factors that can affect how long your cannabis will stay fresh.

Temperature & Humidity

Ideally, you want to keep your buds in a cool, dry place. Excessive heat can cause the cannabinoids and terpenes to degrade, resulting in a loss of potency and flavour. On the other hand, if the environment is too humid, mold and mildew can develop, spoiling your stash. Investing in a quality airtight storage container and storing it in a cool, dark place can help mitigate these risks.

Quality of Cannabis

Next, consider the quality of the cannabis you’re starting with. If you’re lucky enough to have access to freshly harvested, well-cured buds, they can stay fresh for several months, if not longer. On the other hand, if you’re working with older or improperly cured cannabis, its shelf life may be shorter. High-quality cannabis that has been properly cured and stored can retain its freshness and potency for an extended period.

Exposure to Air

The frequency of exposure to air can impact the freshness of your cannabis. Every time you open the jar, oxygen is introduced, which can lead to the degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes. To minimize this, consider using smaller jars or containers that allow you to portion out your stash. This way, you only expose a small amount to air at a time, keeping the rest of your cannabis fresh for longer.

cannabis storage - jar

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5 Measures Cannabis Producers Can Take to Extend the Shelf Life of Cannabis

As a cannabis producer, you invest time, effort, and resources into cultivating the highest quality cannabis. You want to ensure that your product maintains its potency, aroma, and overall quality for as long as possible, even during storage. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take during the cannabis growth lifecycle to effectively increase the longevity of your cannabis in storage.

1. Optimize Harvest Timing

Harvesting your cannabis at the right time is crucial. Waiting for the optimal time when the trichomes have reached the desired level of maturity ensures that you’re capturing the highest levels of cannabinoids and terpenes. These compounds not only contribute to the unique effects and flavors of your cannabis but also act as natural preservatives, helping to prolong its shelf life.

2. Proper Drying and Curing

After harvesting, the drying and curing process plays a vital role in preserving the quality of your cannabis. Drying your cannabis slowly and evenly, at the right temperature and humidity levels, allows for the removal of excess moisture without degrading the aromatic compounds. Curing, on the other hand, involves storing the dried cannabis in a controlled environment with optimal temperature and humidity. This process allows for the development of desirable flavors and aromas while further reducing moisture content, preventing mold and mildew growth, and extending the storage life of your cannabis.

3. Careful Trimming

Properly trimming your cannabis buds removes excess leaves and stems, which can contribute to the accumulation of moisture and the growth of contaminants. By ensuring a clean and tidy trim, you reduce the risk of mold and mildew formation and increase the overall quality and longevity of your cannabis during storage.

4. Appropriate Storage Conditions

Once your cannabis is ready for storage, it’s essential to create optimal conditions to preserve its quality. Factors such as temperature, humidity, light exposure, and air circulation play a significant role in maintaining the potency and freshness of your cannabis. Storing your cannabis in a cool, dark, and airtight container will help minimize degradation caused by light, heat, and exposure to oxygen. Additionally, controlling the humidity levels within the container will prevent the growth of mold or mildew, ensuring the longevity of your cannabis.

5. Regular Quality Control Checks

Throughout the entire growth lifecycle and storage process, regular quality control checks are essential. Regularly inspecting your cannabis for any signs of mold, mildew, or pests will enable you to take immediate action and prevent the spread of contaminants. Additionally, periodically testing the potency and terpene profile of your stored cannabis will ensure that it remains within the desired range and maintains its therapeutic properties over time.

Pro-Tip for Cannabis Producers

As cannabis producers, we know that the key to delivering high-quality products to our customers lies in the timing of the harvest. Harvesting cannabis at the right time ensures that it retains its quality and potency for as long as possible during storage. This is where seed-to-sale cannabis software comes in.

Seed-to-sale cannabis software provides growers with the tools they need to track the growth and development of their plants in real-time. By monitoring factors such as plant size, trichome development, and THC levels, growers can determine the optimal time to harvest their cannabis. This is crucial because harvesting too early can result in a product that lacks potency, while harvesting too late can lead to a loss of flavor and aroma.

By using the data and insights provided by seed-to-sale cannabis software, growers can make informed decisions about when to harvest their plants. This ensures that the cannabis is harvested at its peak, with maximum potency and quality. Harvesting at the right time also helps to preserve the terpenes, which are responsible for the unique flavors and aromas of different cannabis strains.

Did you know? GrowerIQ has an industry-leading Seed-to-Sale Cannabis Software (with quality management built in) that is designed to uncomplicate cannabis production for cannabis producers throughout the world.

Learn more here.

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What Temperature Should Cannabis Be Stored at For Storage?

When it comes to storing cannabis, temperature is a crucial factor that can ensure the longevity and quality of your product. Different scenarios call for different temperatures, so let’s dive into what you need to know.

First, let’s discuss the ideal temperature for long-term storage. To preserve the potency and flavour of your cannabis, it is recommended to store it at a temperature of around 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. This range provides a balance between preventing mold and degradation while maintaining the cannabinoids and terpenes that give cannabis its unique properties.

cannabis storage - cannabis leaf

However, there are a few scenarios that can affect the temperature needed for storage. For instance, if you live in a hot climate, like Arizona or Nevada, where temperatures can soar well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, it is crucial to find a cool and dark area to store your cannabis. Excessive heat can degrade the cannabinoids and terpenes, leading to a loss in potency and flavour.

On the other hand, if you live in a colder climate, such as Alaska or northern Canada, where temperatures can drop below freezing, it is important to keep your cannabis at a slightly higher temperature, around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Freezing temperatures can cause the trichomes to become brittle and break off, reducing the overall quality of your cannabis.

How Not To Store Your Cannabis

Let’s explore some common mistakes when it comes to cannabis storage and explain why each of these mistakes can damage or negatively affect your precious buds.

1. Exposing Cannabis to Light

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to storing cannabis is exposing it to light. Light, especially sunlight and UV rays, can degrade the cannabinoids present in cannabis, such as THC and CBD. This degradation leads to a loss of potency and a decrease in overall quality. To avoid this, it’s important to store your cannabis in a dark and cool place, such as a drawer or a cabinet.

2. Storing Cannabis in Plastic Bags

Many people store their cannabis in plastic bags, thinking it will keep it fresh. However, plastic bags can actually trap moisture, leading to mold and mildew growth. Additionally, the static electricity produced by plastic bags can cause the trichomes, which contain valuable cannabinoids, to break off and stick to the bag, further reducing the quality and potency of the cannabis. Instead, opt for airtight glass jars or containers, which will help preserve the freshness and maintain the integrity of the buds.

3. Not Controlling Humidity Levels

Proper humidity control is crucial when it comes to storing cannabis. If the humidity is too high, it can promote mold and mildew growth, while low humidity can cause the buds to dry out and lose potency. The ideal humidity range for cannabis storage is between 59% and 63%. To maintain this optimal range, consider using humidity packs or boveda packs, which are specifically designed to regulate humidity levels.

4. Storing Cannabis in Warm or Fluctuating Temperatures

High temperatures can accelerate the degradation process and cause the cannabinoids to break down, resulting in a loss of potency. Fluctuating temperatures can also have a negative effect on cannabis, as it can lead to condensation and mold growth. To prevent this, store your cannabis in a cool and stable environment, away from direct sources of heat or extreme temperature changes.

5. Neglecting Proper Airflow

While it’s important to keep cannabis in a sealed container, it’s equally important to ensure proper airflow. Poor ventilation can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, as well as a decrease in overall quality. Make sure to open your storage containers periodically to allow fresh air to circulate around the buds, but be cautious not to overdo it, as too much exposure to air can also degrade the quality.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your cannabis remains fresh, potent, and of the highest quality.

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Cannabis Storage Methods for Each Budget

When it comes to cannabis storage, there are various methods to choose from, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. From low-cost options to more luxurious choices, let’s explore a range of cannabis storage methods available to ensure the quality and freshness of your cannabis products.

1. Mason Jars (Low Cost – $)

Mason jars have been a popular choice for cannabis storage for many years. They provide an airtight seal, keeping oxygen exposure to a minimum and preserving the flavours and aromas of cannabis. The cost of mason jars is relatively low, making them an affordable option for most consumers. However, they may not offer the same level of protection against humidity as some other methods.

2. Plastic Containers with Humidity Packs (Medium Cost – $$)

Plastic containers with humidity packs have gained popularity among cannabis enthusiasts. These containers offer an airtight seal and come with humidity packs that help maintain optimal moisture levels. The packs release or absorb moisture as needed, ensuring that the cannabis remains fresh and potent. The cost of plastic containers with humidity packs is slightly higher than mason jars but still within an affordable range for most consumers. However, some may argue that plastic containers are not as aesthetically pleasing as other options.

3. UV-Protected Glass Jars (Medium to High Cost – $$)

UV-protected glass jars are designed to protect cannabis from harmful ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. These jars feature tinted or opaque glass that blocks out UV rays, which can degrade cannabinoids and terpenes. The cost of UV-protected glass jars falls within the medium to high range, making them a more expensive option compared to mason jars or plastic containers. However, for those who prioritize preserving the potency and quality of their cannabis, the investment may be worthwhile.

4. Vacuum Sealed Containers (High Cost – $$$)

Vacuum sealing is a method that removes air and creates a vacuum seal around the cannabis, preventing oxygen exposure and prolonging its shelf life. Vacuum-sealed containers are typically made of high-quality materials, such as stainless steel, and often come with additional features like humidity control and UV protection. The cost of vacuum-sealed containers is relatively high compared to other options, making them a luxury choice for serious cannabis connoisseurs. However, they offer exceptional protection against oxygen, humidity, and light, ensuring the highest level of quality.

How Seed-To-Sale Cannabis Software Helps Extend Shelf Life

Cannabis producers often face the challenge of ensuring the quality and longevity of their products from seed to sale. Proper cultivation and post-harvest practices are crucial in maximizing the shelf life of cannabis and maintaining its potency and freshness. Fortunately, cannabis producers can utilize seed-to-sale cannabis software to streamline their operations and implement effective quality management practices.

One way cannabis software can help is by providing comprehensive tracking and monitoring of cultivation practices. From the moment the seeds are planted, the software can record and analyze important data, such as temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels. This allows producers to identify any potential issues that may affect the quality of the crop and take corrective measures promptly. Additionally, the software can automate tasks such as irrigation and fertilization, ensuring consistent and optimal growing conditions that promote healthy plant development.

Another crucial aspect of extending the shelf life of cannabis is proper post-harvest practices. Cannabis software can assist producers in closely monitoring and controlling the drying and curing processes. By accurately tracking parameters such as temperature and humidity during drying, producers can prevent mold and mildew growth, which can significantly impact the quality of the final product. The software can also provide real-time visibility into the curing process, allowing producers to adjust conditions as needed to achieve the desired flavor, aroma, and potency.

Cannabis software can also help with inventory management, ensuring that products are stored in appropriate conditions to preserve their quality. By maintaining accurate records of the storage environment, such as temperature and humidity levels, producers can identify any deviations that may compromise the integrity of their cannabis. This information is invaluable when it comes to complying with regulatory requirements and providing transparency to consumers.

Discover how GrowerIQ’s seed-to-sale software can help you set up all of the components of a successful cannabis production operation without any hassle. Questions we haven’t covered? Please reach out and let us know. GrowerIQ serves clients coast to coast, and we’re ready to help your team today.

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GrowerIQ is a complete cannabis production management platform. Ours is the first platform to integrate your facility systems, including sensors, building controls, QMS, and ERP, into a single simplified interface.

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