Why Curing Cannabis Is Important & 5 Steps to Cure Cannabis

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Ameer Asghar
Ameer is an enthusiastic writer who believes in the remarkable potential of the cannabis plant to lead people towards natural health alternatives, steering them towards a path of improved well-being and health.

Learn more about the Cannabis Curing process, and some helpful tips to help you refine your in-house process.

Today, we’re diving into the crucial connection between cannabis seed-to-sale quality management and the art of curing cannabis. Now, you might be wondering what curing cannabis has to do with quality management. Well, my friend, the answer lies in the magical transformation that occurs when cannabis is carefully dried and cured, unlocking its full potential.

Curing cannabis is an essential step in the cultivation process that involves carefully drying and aging the harvested flowers. This practice allows the flavors, aromas, and cannabinoids to develop fully, resulting in a truly exceptional product. But how does this relate to quality management? Well, my fellow cannabis enthusiasts, the best cannabis quality assurance practices demand a meticulous approach to every step of the cultivation process, from seed to sale. And that includes the crucial stage of curing cannabis. By paying attention to the finer details of curing, cultivators can ensure consistent and top-notch quality in their final product. So join me as we explore the intricacies of curing cannabis and how it ties into the broader realm of cannabis seed-to-sale quality management.

What does Curing do to Cannabis?

Curing cannabis is a critical step in the cultivation process that greatly impacts the final product’s quality and potency. It involves drying and aging the harvested buds in a controlled environment for a specific period of time. While it may seem like a simple process, the art of curing cannabis requires precision and expertise.

So, what does curing do to cannabis, and why is it so important? Let’s dive in.

Curing helps to enhance the flavors, aromas, and overall smoothness of the cannabis buds. During the curing process, the plant’s natural enzymes break down chlorophyll, which can cause the buds to have a harsh and unpleasant taste. By allowing the buds to slowly dry and age, these enzymes are able to work their magic, resulting in a more enjoyable and flavorful smoking experience.

The curing process also plays a crucial role in preserving the potency of the cannabis. Without proper curing, cannabis buds can lose a significant amount of their cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD. This is because cannabinoids are delicate compounds that can degrade if exposed to excessive heat, light, or oxygen. By carefully controlling the curing environment, producers can ensure that the cannabinoids remain intact, maximizing the potency of the final product.

curing cannabis - cannabid plant

Why do Cannabis Producers Develop & Refine In-House Curing Processes

Lots of top cannabis producers actively invest in developing sophisticated in-house processes for curing cannabis in the pursuit of excellence and consistency. These producers understand that curing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each strain of cannabis has its own unique characteristics and requirements when it comes to drying and aging.

By developing in-house processes for curing, producers can tailor the curing conditions to meet the specific needs of each strain. This level of customization allows them to bring out the best qualities of each strain and consistently deliver top-notch products to their customers.

By having full control over the curing process, producers can ensure that their cannabis meets the highest quality standards. They can closely monitor factors such as temperature, humidity, and airflow, optimizing these variables to achieve the desired outcome. This level of attention to detail is what sets top cannabis producers apart from the rest and allows them to consistently produce premium products – and command a price premium in the marketplace.

How long does it take to Cure Cannabis?

The short answer is that the time it takes to properly cure cannabis can vary depending on a variety of factors.

In general, the curing process for cannabis can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. It all depends on the specific strain, the growing conditions, and the desired outcome. Some strains may require a longer curing period to achieve the desired quality and potency, while others may be ready to consume in a shorter amount of time.

What Factors Affect the Time to Cure Cannabis

There are however a few factors that cannabis producers can control in order to manage the time required to cure cannabis.


One of the most important factors is moisture content. When cannabis is initially harvested, it contains a significant amount of moisture. This moisture needs to be slowly and evenly removed through the curing process. If the moisture is removed too quickly, it can result in a harsh and unpleasant smoking experience. On the other hand, if the moisture is not removed thoroughly enough, it can lead to mold and other issues.

Temperature and Humidity

The temperature and humidity levels in the curing environment also play a role in the time it takes to cure cannabis. A consistent temperature and humidity level are crucial to ensure that the cannabis cures properly. If the temperature is too high or the humidity level is too low, it can cause the cannabis to dry out too quickly, resulting in a loss of flavor and potency. Conversely, if the temperature is too low or the humidity level is too high, it can create the perfect conditions for mold and bacteria to thrive.

Size and Density of Cannabis Buds

Another factor that can affect the curing time is the size and density of the buds. Larger, denser buds will typically take longer to cure than smaller, less dense buds. This is because the moisture needs to penetrate deeper into the bud to be evenly removed.

curing cannabis - cannabid bud

Pro Tip: Professional cannabis cultivators use seed-to-sale cannabis software to track any, and all factors related to growing their cannabis. This helps them stay organized, and focused. on developing the best possible product.

Did you know? GrowerIQ has an industry-leading Seed-to-Sale Cannabis Software (with quality management built in) that is designed to uncomplicate cannabis production for cannabis producers throughout the world.

Learn more here.

Should the Curing Process be Longer or Shorter?

The answer to this question depends on personal preferences. Some cannabis enthusiasts believe that a longer curing period can result in smoother, more flavorful smoke. Others prefer a shorter curing period to preserve the natural characteristics of the strain.

Ultimately, the goal of the curing process is to enhance the flavor, potency, and overall quality of the cannabis. Whether you choose to cure your cannabis for a few weeks or a few months, the most important thing is to be patient and attentive to the needs of your plants. By properly curing your cannabis, you can ensure a more enjoyable and satisfying experience for yourself and others.

What’s the Best Curing Process for Cannabis?

Proper curing allows the flower to reach its full potential, enhancing its aroma, flavor, and potency. There are several methods for curing cannabis, each with its own unique qualities. Let’s dive into the different methods and discover which is most commonly used by cannabis cultivators.

Slow Dry Cure

One of the most popular and widely used methods for curing cannabis is known as the slow dry cure. This method involves hanging freshly harvested cannabis plants upside down in a dark, cool, and well-ventilated space. The slow drying process allows the moisture within the buds to evaporate slowly, while the cannabinoids and terpenes continue to develop. This method typically takes around two to three weeks, but the rewards are well worth the wait.

Water Cure

Another method that has gained popularity in recent years is the water cure. This method involves soaking freshly harvested cannabis buds in water for a period of time, typically a few days to a week. The water acts as a medium for removing impurities, such as chlorophyll, while preserving the cannabinoids and terpenes. After the water cure, the buds are then dried using the slow dry method. The water cure can be a great option for those looking to minimize the traditional curing process and obtain a milder flavor profile.

Dry Ice Cure

One lesser-known method is known as the dry ice cure. This method involves placing freshly harvested cannabis buds in a container with dry ice, which rapidly freezes the buds. Freezing the buds helps to break down the plant’s cell walls, making it easier for the cannabinoids and terpenes to be released. After freezing, the buds are then dried using the slow dry method. The dry ice cure can be a great option for those looking to expedite the curing process without sacrificing quality.

What is the Most Common (Best) Curing Process for Cannabis

While all of these methods have their own merits, the most commonly used curing method by cannabis cultivators is the slow dry cure. This method has stood the test of time and has consistently produced superior-quality cannabis.

The slow dry cure allows the flower to develop its full potential, resulting in a smoother smoke, enhanced flavor, and increased potency. It is a tried-and-true method that has been perfected over generations of cannabis cultivation.

How Does Curing Cannabis Ensure Quality & Extend Shelf Life?

Curing cannabis may seem like a simple step, but it plays a vital role in ensuring the quality and extending the shelf life of the final product. Let’s take a closer look at how curing cannabis achieves these important goals.

First and foremost, curing cannabis enhances its flavor and aroma. When cannabis is freshly harvested, it contains a high level of moisture. By drying the buds slowly and carefully, cultivators allow the plant to naturally break down chlorophyll and other compounds that can contribute to a harsh taste and grassy smell. This slow drying process allows the terpenes, the aromatic compounds responsible for the distinct smells and flavors of different strains, to fully develop. The result is a much more pleasant and enjoyable experience for consumers.

curing cannabis - jarring cannabis

In addition to improving the sensory experience, curing cannabis also improves its potency. When cannabis is harvested, it contains a high amount of THCA, the acidic form of THC. Through the curing process, THCA is gradually converted into THC, the psychoactive compound that produces the cannabis “high.” This conversion increases the potency of the buds and ensures that consumers receive the desired effects when consuming the final product. Without proper curing, cannabis may not reach its full potential in terms of potency.

Lastly, curing cannabis is essential for extending its shelf life. Moisture content plays a crucial role in determining how long cannabis can be stored without losing its potency and quality. By drying the buds during the curing process, cultivators remove excess moisture that can lead to the growth of mold and mildew. This not only ensures the safety of the product but also helps it retain its potency for a longer period of time. Properly cured cannabis can be stored for months, if not longer, without losing its quality.

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How Long Should Cannabis be Dried before Curing?

Properly drying and curing your cannabis can make all the difference in terms of aroma, flavor, potency, and overall quality. So, how long should cannabis be dried before curing?

The answer to this question is not as simple as a specific number of days or weeks. The drying and curing process can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the strain of cannabis, humidity levels, and personal preference. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you determine when your cannabis is ready to be cured.

It is very important to allow your cannabis to dry slowly and evenly. This will help preserve the delicate terpenes and cannabinoids that give cannabis its unique aroma and effect. If you rush the drying process, you risk losing these valuable compounds and compromising the quality of your final product.

Typically, cannabis should be dried for about 5-10 days before it is ready to be cured. During this time, the buds should be hung upside down in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated space. It is important to maintain a humidity level of around 50-60% during the drying process to prevent mold and mildew from forming.

To determine if your cannabis is dry enough to be cured, you can perform a simple test. Gently squeeze a bud between your fingers. If it feels firm, but still has a little give, it is probably ready to be transferred to the curing jars. If it feels wet or spongy, it needs more time to dry.

What Factors Impact How Long Cannabis Should be Dried Before Curing

Many factors come into play when determining how long cannabis should be left to dry before curing. Let’s take a closer look at what these factors are and why they matter.


First and foremost, the strain of cannabis being grown plays a significant role in the drying and curing process. Different strains have different moisture levels, and therefore, require different drying times. Sativa strains, for example, tend to have a higher moisture content and may require a longer drying period compared to Indica strains.


The environment in which the cannabis is being dried is another crucial factor to consider. Proper airflow and humidity control are essential for achieving optimal drying conditions. If the environment is too humid, the drying process will be slower and may increase the risk of mold or mildew. On the other hand, if the environment is too dry, the cannabis may dry too quickly, resulting in a harsh and unpleasant smoking experience.

Personal Preference

Lastly, personal preference also comes into play when determining how long cannabis should be left to dry before curing. Some individuals prefer a slightly moister end product, while others prefer a drier and more crumbly texture. It all comes down to personal taste and the desired smoking or consumption experience.

Does Cannabis Need Darkness to Dry?

The short answer is yes, cannabis does need darkness to dry properly. Let’s delve into the science behind this and understand why darkness plays such an important role in the drying process.

During the drying phase, cannabis plants undergo a series of complex chemical reactions that are crucial for the development of desirable flavors, aromas, and potency. One of the most important reactions is the breakdown of chlorophyll, which gives the plant its green color and can contribute to a harsh taste if not properly removed.

When cannabis is exposed to light during the drying process, chlorophyll production remains active. This can result in a slower breakdown of chlorophyll and a higher likelihood of a harsh and unpleasant taste in the final product. Darkness, on the other hand, inhibits chlorophyll production and promotes a more efficient breakdown, leading to a smoother and more flavorful end result.

curing cannabis - drying in the dark

Additionally, darkness helps to preserve the delicate terpenes present in cannabis. Terpenes are the aromatic compounds responsible for the wide array of scents and flavors found in the plant. Exposure to light can cause these terpenes to degrade, resulting in a loss of the unique qualities that make each strain special. By maintaining a dark environment during drying, we can help ensure that these valuable terpenes are preserved and enhance the overall experience for consumers.

It is worth noting that darkness alone is not sufficient for proper drying. A balanced drying environment with proper airflow and controlled humidity is equally important. High humidity can lead to mold and other microbial issues, while low humidity can cause the flowers to dry too quickly, resulting in a harsh and brittle end product. Therefore, it is crucial to find the right balance between darkness, airflow, and humidity to achieve optimal results.

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5 Steps to Cure Cannabis

Curing cannabis is an art form that requires patience, precision, and a keen understanding of the plant’s needs. So, grab your gardening gloves, and let’s get started!

Step 1: Harvesting at the Right Time

Before we even begin the curing process, it’s essential to harvest our cannabis plants at the right time. This means waiting until the trichomes, those tiny resinous glands, have reached their peak potency. The trichomes should appear milky white or amber in color, indicating that they are rich in cannabinoids and terpenes. Harvesting too early can result in a less potent final product, while harvesting too late may lead to a more sedative effect.

Step 2: Hang ‘Em High – Drying

Once our precious plants have been harvested, it’s time to dry them out. Hang your cut branches upside down in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated room. This process, known as drying, allows the moisture within the buds to evaporate slowly, resulting in smoother smoke. Drying also helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew while preserving the plant’s precious cannabinoids and terpenes.

Step 3: Trimming with Care

After a few weeks of drying, it’s time to give our buds some TLC by trimming away any excess leaves or stems. While some may argue that sugar leaves, those smaller leaves covered in trichomes, add to the overall potency, removing them can help improve the overall aesthetic appeal and smoking experience. Don’t rush this step – take your time to ensure your buds are as pristine as possible.

Step 4: Containers and Curing

Now that our buds are beautifully trimmed, it’s time for the magical process of curing. Transfer your trimmed buds into airtight containers, such as glass jars, and store them in a cool, dark place. During the curing process, the remaining moisture within the buds redistributes itself evenly, resulting in a more balanced and flavorful smoke. This step can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on your desired outcome.

curing cannabis - putting cannabis in containers

Step 5: Burping for Perfection

Ah, the sweet scent of success! But before we can indulge in our perfectly cured buds, there’s one more crucial step: burping. Every day, open the lids of your curing containers to allow fresh air to circulate for about 15 minutes. This helps release any excess moisture and prevent the growth of mold. As time goes on, you can gradually reduce the frequency of burping until you only need to do it once a week.

And there you have it, fellow cannabis enthusiasts – a step-by-step guide to curing cannabis. Each stage, from harvesting to burping, plays a vital role in preserving and enhancing the potency, flavor, and overall quality of your buds.

Tips from Seasoned Cultivators for Curing Cannabis

When it comes to growing high-quality cannabis, experienced cultivators know that the curing process is just as important as the cultivation itself. So to help you out, we will explore some common practices used by seasoned cultivators when it comes to curing cannabis buds.

1. Monitoring and Testing: Experienced cultivators closely monitor the curing process by regularly inspecting the buds for any signs of mold, mildew, or pests. They also conduct sensory tests to assess the aroma, flavor, and smoothness of the cured buds. This hands-on approach allows them to fine-tune the curing process and achieve the desired results.

2. Extended Curing: Some experienced cultivators choose to extend the curing process beyond the initial few weeks. This extra time allows the buds to develop further, resulting in a smoother and more potent smoking experience.

3. Handling Minimization: Handle the buds as little as possible during curing to avoid damaging trichomes and preserving potency and aroma.

4. Hygrometers: Use hygrometers to monitor humidity levels inside the curing jars. Aim for a relative humidity (RH) of 58-62%.

5. Humidity Control Packs: Consider using humidity control packs, such as Boveda packs, to help maintain a consistent RH level inside the jars.

6. Record Keeping: Maintain notes on each batch of cured cannabis, including strain, curing duration, and any observations. This helps refine your process over time.

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How does Seed to Sale Cannabis Software Help with Curing Cannabis

When it comes to curing cannabis, meticulous record keeping is essential for maintaining quality and consistency. From the moment the harvested cannabis enters the curing facility, every detail needs to be documented and closely monitored. This includes tracking the date and time of harvest, the strain, the weight, and any other relevant information.

Track & Record Environmental Conditions

One of the key features of seed-to-sale software is the ability to track and record environmental conditions throughout the curing process. This includes monitoring temperature, airflow and humidity levels in real-time, as well as documenting any adjustments made to maintain the optimal curing environment. By having this information readily available, cannabis businesses can ensure consistency in their curing process and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Accurate Inventory Tracking

Each batch of cannabis can be assigned a unique identifier, which is then used to track its movement from the curing facility to the final packaging stage. This not only helps prevent loss or theft but also provides valuable data on how long each batch has been curing and when it is ready for packaging.

Integrate with Other Systems

Furthermore, seed-to-sale software can integrate with other systems used in the curing process, such as barcode scanners or RFID tags. This seamless integration enables businesses to automate data collection, reducing the risk of human error and saving valuable time. It also allows for easier traceability, should any issues arise with a particular batch of cannabis.

Detailed Reporting

Another benefit of seed-to-sale software for curing cannabis is its ability to generate detailed reports and analytics. By analyzing the data collected throughout the curing process, businesses can gain valuable insights into their operations. This includes identifying trends, optimizing curing methods, and identifying any areas for improvement. This data-driven approach empowers cannabis businesses to continuously enhance the quality of their cured cannabis.

Discover how GrowerIQ’s seed-to-sale software can help you set up all of the components of a successful cannabis production operation without any hassle. Questions we haven’t covered? Please reach out and let us know. GrowerIQ serves clients coast to coast, and we’re ready to help your team today.

Streamline Cannabis Cultivation

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